Happy Birthday Wishes
Happy Birthday, my dear mother! Throughout my life,
Your precious advices, Mom, are leading me safely!
Your love for me - being so pure and without pride -
Spreads much great warmth and encourages me daily!
Your Birthday gives an opportunity to say
How I need everything, you're doing for me, dear!
Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day today
And the great year ahead! I love having you near!
раздел: Wishes for Mom
© Принадлежит сайту. Автор: Печенова В.
Happy Birthday, my dear Dad!
Wish only the best to you!
Be you happy, be not sad!
May all your wishes come true!
Be always healthy and strong!
Let your troubles go away!
I wish - to rest where you want!
Let everything be Okay!
раздел: Wishes for Dad
© Принадлежит сайту. Автор: Печенова В.
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