Поздравления на английском на день рождения короткие, смс
Happy Birthday! Accept My Flowers!
Birthdays are compared to potted flowers.
Imagine hundreds flowers for birthdays...
There are a lot of them in the bowers,
And then, there is not even enough space.
And then, the people create greenhouses.
Let you have a huge and always fresh one -
A great greenhouse with unfading flowers!
Happy Birthday! I wish you much more sun!
© Принадлежит сайту. Автор: Печенова В.
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Wish you a wonderful birthday just like you!
The person like you is more precious,
Than the most valuable diamond!
You are like fulfilling your mission
By being yourself so smart and kind!
You are not only so good and wise,
You love people, family, and job.
Happy Birthday! Have a long-long life,
Giving you much happiness non-stop!
© Принадлежит сайту. Автор: Печенова В.
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Have a Wonderful Time, Happy Birthday!
This is the best day to dream.
Let you have a vacation!
I wish you true friends who'll bring
Happy communication!
Be healthy, happy and rich!
Be strong against any stress.
Happy Birthday! Have fun, which
Make your whole life a success!
© Принадлежит сайту. Автор: Печенова В.
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